

Great for developers looking to test and integrate the API into an application.

Access to the Food Information API with 50 sample dishes

Access to the Autocomplete API with all dishes

For development and non-commercial use only

Price: Free

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Unlock access to our entire collection of food and dishes.

Access to the Food Information API with all dishes

Access to the Autocomplete API with all dishes

For production and commercial use

Price: $99 / year

Get started

Download a snapshot of our database and code to use in your own product.

The Food Information database with all dishes

The source code of the Autocomplete API

For production and commercial use. Resell after modification only*

Price: $299 one-time fee

Download snapshot right now
To be allowed to resell, you have to make significant changes to the database and/or source code. You are not allowed to resell the data as received.
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